解压后放到游戏根目录,就是和 TeknoMw3.exe 在一个目录下,然后运行这个工具,Win 7 需要用管理员权限运行,最好是把杀毒和防火墙关掉,因为这个工具要改Hosts文件,要虚拟一个外网IP出来。如果大家不在局域网玩了,联上外网的话,要记得把Hosts文件还原(如果你原来没有改过Hosts文件的话,就是把前面不带“#”(不含引号)的行删除到只剩“ localhost”(不含引号)这一行)。
1、关闭“World Wide Web Publishing Service”服务或者在IIS里把网站那儿改成其它非80端口,因为 teknomw3_ip_faker.exe 要用到80端口来监听,如果有其它用80端口的程序或服务也请关闭,否则会出错。
2、每台电脑都要用 teknomw3_ip_faker.exe 来启动(启动后会自动启动同目录下的 TeknoMw3.exe )
3、teknomw3_ip_faker.exe 要给管理员权限,建议:右键点 teknomw3_ip_faker.exe 文件,选择“属性”,在弹出来的属性窗口选择打开“兼容性”标签页,把最下面的“以管理员身份运行此程序”勾上。
5、如果你用单独的一台电脑建立专用服务器,则建服务器的电脑不用运行这个工具,但运行游戏的电脑必须得先运行 teknomw3_ip_faker.exe 来启动TeknoMw3.exe。
This is a temporary fix for the TeknoMW3 issue happening when two or more offline (or behind the same NAT router) users trying to play LAN can't play (one disconnects the other).
I found the solution by sniffing the network. I figured out the game was trying to get a public ip from
This tool just acts like a very lite web server, giving the game what it's asking for, a different public ip for every player. It also adds an entry to hosts file for automation.whatismyip.com to point to your LAN address so if you are going to play online you should remove that entry manually.
The ip given has 3 octets fixed 200.55.156 and the 4th is gotten from the actual LAN ip address of the Pc.
E.g. if your lan ip is your fake ip will be
I made this tool to play offline LAN with my friends at home without internet but i wanted to share it with you. Use it as is. Hopefully you won’t need it soon when they finally fix it.
If you put this tool in the MW3 root directory it will open TeknoMw3.exe automatically.
We have been aware of the external ip problem for a while now. The latest build offers 2 new ini options:
OnlineMode=true/false (default true) //disables master server callbacks, your server wont be visible online
ExternalIP= (default your external ip returned by the router UPnP feature or whatsmyip.org callback or random (when OnlineMode=false)
While playing offline on LAN, its recommended to set the OnlineMode to false. The external IP will be randomized in that case.
This code has been purely added to fix the offline server startup crash -- but hey, if it fixes also the disc bug, that's great