

单机游戏2023-09-09 阅读()



    High Overseer Campbell

    ONE CHARM 001

    Gun position on the guarded bridge. Swim to the chain to sneak to it.

    ONE CHARM 002

    Floor above where you found Griff being held by the gang; the Fishmonger building.

    ONE CHARM 003

    Dunwall Distillery; Get past the front yard and explore the rafters in the casket room. Use Blink to warp to the caskets and reach the charm.

    ONE CHARM 004

    A bricked up storage shed in the "Backyard" of the compound has a charm next to the dead Overseer. Shed is near the extraction point and can be opened using the valve wheel or by skilled platforming (and blinking) through the open window in the building's back.

    ONE CHARM 005

    Overseer Compound Backyard's Warehouse A. You can use Blink to access the roof and go inside.

    House of Pleasure

    ONE CHARM 006

    The room occupied by one of three of Daud's assassins waiting for Corvo above the Distillery entrance; take out the assassin on the mid-level, then the top-level; the charm is in the top-most room's storage closet.

    ONE CHARM 007

    Find the distillery reserve key (in the same room with the Incendiary Paste schematic); head back outside the distillery's front yard and open the side gate to the charm.

    ONE CHARM 008

    In Granny Rag's new hangout, the dead-end under the main road past the infected Weepers. The charm is atop her stove.

    ONE CHARM 009

    In the Captain's Chair Hotel, there is a charm under the stairs from the first floor to the second.

    ONE CHARM 010

    The locked room on the brothel's second floor; there is a charm on the fireplace mantle.

    The Royal Physician

    ONE CHARM 011

    A side door near the exit from the Southside Gate to Drawbridge Way has a path that goes over a canal lock to a Weeper inhabited room with a charm. Use the top of the raised lock to get the height you need to Blink to the room.

    ONE CHARM 012

    At the Midrow Substation, before exiting towards Sokolov's house (the North End Map), check the basement of the large warehouse for a charm. The rats can be lured to a corpse, then the mass blown up with a grenade.

    ONE CHARM 013

    Upon entering the North End map, there is a charm in the building to your left. Jump through the second story window from the street, go through the building, and use the AC units and balconies to reach the third floor where the charm is.

    Lady Boyle's Last Party

    ONE CHARM 014

    In the abandoned apartment across the street from the tavern; the key to the apartment is in the bunkroom (many beds) in the Hounds Pit. Once you have the key, the charm is easy to locate in the ruins.

    ONE CHARM 015

    The red Weeper-inhabited multi-story apartment at the bridgehead. Blinking in to the top-floor balcony puts you right next to the charm and the rune.

    ONE CHARM 016

    There is a short metal bridge spanning a channel to the Boyle Estate; cross the bridge and approach Boyle Estate. As soon as you cross the street, turn right and follow the street to a second Weeper-infested apartment. The charm is inside, on the top floor.

    Return to the Tower

    ONE CHARM 017

    In the waterlock, there is a charm in one of the side ducts. You can get to it using the Blink 2 power (you need the extended horizontal range).

    ONE CHARM 018

    On the keep's second floor, there is a fireplace in the corner with a brass candle fitting. Turn the fitting to reveal a secret chamber where Jessamine recorded a message for Emily. That secret room has a charm atop its bureau.

    Flooded District

    ONE CHARM 019

    A building near the one with your gear has a charm atop the stove. It's practically the only one on the map (Rudshore Waterfront) you can see when you start the Flooded District

    ONE CHARM 020

    The Greaves Factory (getting your gear back). At the entrance of the factory, fill up an empty tank and plug the fuel cell into the control booth to operate the emergency stairs. This lets you get to the top and side of the building, then drop down through the broken flooring to this charm.

    ONE CHARM 021

    Central Rudshore. At the entrance to Daud's Building (base), there is an alley with four wolfhounds (two on the upper level, two on the lower level); the charm is on the lower level of the alley, hidden in a tipped over dumpster. === Bone Charm 022 === Daud himself carries a charm. You only get this charm if you pick-pocket him (and the magic is shielded from the Heart by his inventory pouch so you cannot detect it). Even if you aim to kill Daud, loot his rotten corpse for his Outsider trinklet.

    ONE CHARM 023

    Upon entering the Gateway Tunnel map after exiting Daud's base (in Central Rudshore), turn right. The charm is on the rowboat in the muck, surrounded by a pack of rats.

    ONE CHARM 024

    Old Port District. Upon entering this map, there is a charm in the corner building. Look for a break in the wall that lets you crawl into the room with the charm (instead of breaking down the wooden barricade, which attracts a gang of Weepers to your area). (Robust 2 - More health is restored from potions).

    ONE CHARM 025

    Old Port District. Locked in a safe near the area where you find the Sewer Key. The safe combination is Wind Seeds Ice 5-2-8 .

    ONE CHARM 026

    Old Port District. After resolving Granny Rags' and Slackjaw's dilemma, go past an encampment of neutral survivors (Low Chaos) or Weepers (High Chaos) and dislodge a small colony of River Krusts. The charm is lying just past a sewer grate on a board with some mana potions near the Krust colony.

    The Loyalists

    o Bone Charms are found in this mission.

    The Light at the End

    o Bone Charms are found in this mission.


    High Overseer Campbell (Hounds Pit Area)

    RUNE 001

    From the Outsider's first sojourn.

    RUNE 002

    In the area near the Hounds Pit.

    RUNE 003

    uy from Piero (one time)

    High Overseer Campbell

    RUNE 004

    From Granny's basement; shrine to the Outsider.

    RUNE 005

    Complete Granny's Gentlemen Callers part 1 (send away the three men)

    RUNE 006

    Complete Granny's Gentlemen Callers part 2 (poison the distillery)

    RUNE 007

    atrol kiosk past the second "Wall of Light"

    RUNE 008

    ackyard of compound. The Workshop (break the skylight on the roof to get through)

    RUNE 009

    Locate the door to the kennel in the Overseer Compound (you can also leave the kennel and re-enter the compound from that door). Click on the eye of the Lenin (bald moustache guy) statue to open a secret door. Rune inside.

    RUNE 010

    In the large room right before the meeting. Check above the fireplace for rune.

    House of Pleasure (Hounds Pit Area)

    RUNE 011

    In the sewer under the Hounds Pit, near the two Weepers past the gate. One rune is in a toppled cabinet.

    RUNE 012

    In the sewer under the Hounds Pit, near the two Weepers past the gate. One rune is underwater, past the sewer gate.

    House of Pleasure

    RUNE 013

    In Dr. Galvani's secret lab (where the poison rat crap was found to poison the distillery in High Overseer Campbell mission)

    RUNE 014

    The storeroom near the street entrance between Clavering Street and the Golden Cat maps has a charm. Blink or jump to the second floor, and then again to the half floor to get it.

    RUNE 015

    One of the upper bedrooms in the brothel, the one that may be next one that Emily may be in (Emily's location may change).

    RUNE 016

    econd floor foyer across from the madam's office; a guard is usually standing guard in front of the door by the rune.

    RUNE 017

    Third floor safe of the Artist's house. Safe combo is 879. Several variations were reported and may be found on the Safe Combinations page.

    The Royal Physician

    RUNE 018

    While in South Side, on the way to Drawbridge Way, there is a side path to a metal walkway with a climbing chain. The rune is in the room at the chain's top. Smash the door's obstruction to unlock the second way out, or go back the way you came.

    RUNE 019

    The raving madman (you can hear him) next to Pratchett's house has a rune on his Outsider shrine. Blink into Pratchett's place for a good angle to take out the lunatic (lethal or non-lethal) and nick the rune afterward.

    RUNE 020

    Inside the safe of Pratchett's house. The code is 473 from the three paintings hinted at in the clue you find on the note in his place.

    RUNE 021

    On the desk right in front of you when you first enter Midrow Substation.

    RUNE 022

    In Sokolov's laboratory on the roof.

    Lady Boyle's Last Party

    RUNE 023

    The red Weeper inhabited multi story apartment at the bridgehead. Blinking in to the top-floor balcony puts you right next to the charm and the rune.

    RUNE 024

    There is a short metal bridge spanning a channel between the Pratchett Warehouse and the Boyle Estate; put the Boyle Estate ahead of you and Pratchett's warehouse behind and to your left. The rune is in the channel of water to your left. Simply follow the stairs to the water level and fetch it.

    RUNE 025

    In the basement vault of the estate. The basement vault key is in Lydia Boyle's bedroom - the second floor bedroom closest to the stairs with the Wall of Light (her sisters' bedrooms are on the other side of the foyer divide); check the nightstand near the bed for the key. The rune is in the basement (wine cellar) vault, which should be easily accessible from the kitchen.

    Return to the Tower (Hounds Pit)

    RUNE 026

    If you dueled Lord Shaw (remember you can Sleep Dart him in the duel), Pendleton gives you a rune after you speak to him about the Boyle mission.

    RUNE 027

    In the Hounds Pit. If you did not indiscriminately slaughter the Boyle sisters and spare them, you will get this rune from one of the surviving sisters. It will be in your room. A note at the tavern's entrance (near Wallace) clues you in, and the second note (by the rune) will tell you the identity of your benefactor.

    RUNE 028

    eak with Callista in the bar and then try to locate Emily. Dark Vision helps here. One of her possible hiding locations is in Corvo's room, the corridor furthest from the bed. The rune is given to you by Emily.

    Return to the Tower

    RUNE 029

    The bunkhouse on the side of the main entrance has a rune, but its front door is covered by a Watchtower (turret). Deactivate the tower first, and then take your time sneaking in when the Tallboy moves; otherwise, do a re-program and wipe the field clean. The rune is under one of the bunks inside.

    RUNE 030

    On the Outsider Shrine in the torturer's chamber.

    RUNE 031

    In the Lord Regent's bedroom. Check the footchest.

    RUNE 032

    On the castle's second floor, there is a piano in a corner room with the level's only Sokolov painting; a corridor leads out from the piano room to the rooftop. Take the stairs and exit back to "Dunwall Exterior Rooftop". The rune will be in the Lord Regent's "safe room" (or panic room) on the roof. Evade (or destroy) the Tallboy in the safe room, as well as the Overseer organist, and claim the rune in the map room.

    Flooded District

    RUNE 033

    The Greaves Factory (getting your gear back). There is a rune sitting in the open amongst the swamp reeds. The area is covered by a colony of River Krust; a grenade will clear the zone for safe retrieval.

    RUNE 034

    Central Rudshore (Daud's base). Get Daud's key and enter his tunnel in Central Rudshore. The rune is at the bottom of the shaft.

    RUNE 035

    Gateway Tunnel area. There is a rune on the roof of an apartment with open windows. Use the windows, and the windows of its neighboring building to go to the top. The plague victim inside is harmless (game-wise).

    RUNE 036

    Old Port District. In Granny Rags' new sewer "home". This rune only appears if you completed Granny's side missions (Gentlemen Callers) back in High Overseer Campbell; if not, it will not appear at all.

    RUNE 037

    Old Port District. After resolving Granny Rags' and Slackjaw's dilemma, you come across an encampment of neutral survivors (Low Chaos) or Weepers (High Chaos). The rune is in this encampment's ditch.

    The Loyalists

    RUNE 038

    Inside Piero's workshop. You can reach it easily from Callista's and Corvo's room (dropping from the walkway between their rooms) and use the workshop's second story entrance to gain entry.

    The Light at the End

    RUNE 039

    In the Kingsparrow Gatehouse Drainage. This rune is on the route you'd take if you want to remain stealthy. From the island's front gate (the Harbor or Beach routes), look for the "Gatehouse Drainage" marker; turn the valve above the drainage marker to open the drain pipe's cover. The rune is in the room where the pipe cover and entrance are.


    Outsider Shrine #1

    Mission: High Overseer Campbell

    Location. When you meet Granny Rags in her apartment, from the balcony on the first floor, drop down into an alley behind her house. You will find the Shrine in this alley around the corner.

    Outsider Shrine #2

    Mission: The Royal Physician

    Location. Exit Pratchett’s house through the balcony on the right and blink to the balcony across the way. From there, blink to the next balcony on the right and enter the house. Go around the corner to find the rune in Outsider Shrine.

    Outsider Shrine #3

    Mission: Lady Boyle’s Last Party

    Location. At the start of the mission, take the street and go to the security checkpoint on the left. Go right to enter the doorway in the red wall and follow the stairs up, and you should come to an open blue door. Go through it to find an Outsider Shrine with a rune on it.

    Outsider Shrine #4

    Mission: Return to the Tower

    Location. When you are in the tower, take the stairs in the corner to the right by the large stairs in the main foyer. You will reach Torturer’s room in the basement using these stairs, and once you are inside, look for an outsider shrine in the corner.

    Outsider Shrine #5

    Mission: The Flooded District

    Location. Make sure you have completed missions for Slackjaw and Granny Rags earlier in the game to unlock this shrine. When you encounter Granny Rags in the sewers, help her. Look for the door near the furnace to find this Shrine.


    Mission 02: High Overseer Campbell Sokolov Painting Locations

    1 of 1 / ‘The Isometry of High Overseer Thaddeus Campbell’

    - The painting is located in Campbell’s Secret Chambers, which can be opened by activating the eye of the statue next to it. You can find the Chamber from the video, which starts in the room where you can decide to spike their wine with poison.

    Mission 03: House of Pleasure Sokolov Painting Locations

    1 of 3 / ‘Light Along the Inverse Curve, Sokolov’s Self Portrait’

    2 of 3 – ‘Daud and the Parabola of the last Seasons’

    3 of 3 – ‘Custis, Morgan and the Postulate Child’

    - You can find all 3 paintings in the Art Dealers building. You can get to it as shown in the video, or you can get a key from a Survivor who needs help in the Gaff Street Alley (left side). The 3rd painting requires a combo, which you can get from the Art Dealer himself at the ‘The Golden Cat’. you might need to take the optional quest first, from Slackjaw.

    Mission 04: The Royal Physician Sokolov Painting Locations

    1 of 1 / ‘The Obtuse Arguments of Lady Boyle’

    - Can be found in the first floor of Sokolov’s House.

    Mission 05: Lady Boyle’s Last Party Sokolov Painting Locations

    1 of 2 / ‘Vera Moray and the Affix of Her Skin’

    2 of 2 / ‘The Spymaster’s Axis of Asymmetry’

    - Both paintings can be found in the Lady Boyle’s mansion. The video begins the path to finding them from the central Foyer. Make sure you turn off the Wall of Light for the first (or find another path to the 2nd floor). The second painting can be found in Lady Boyle’s room, which is normally guarded by a Watch Officer.

    Mission 06: Return to the Tower Sokolov Painting Locations

    1 of 1 / ‘The Empress and the Empty Set’

    - Once you reach the Tower Interior, Blink up to the 2nd Floor. You’ll find it on the room on the left.

    Mission 07: The Flooded District Sokolov Painting Locations

    1 of 3 / ‘The Commutative Rats and the Weeper’

    2 of 3 / ‘The Torturer’s Quaternionic Groan’

    3 of 3 / ‘The Outsider and the Circumstanced Void’

    - First painting is right after you make your escape, but before heading for your gear (or Daud’s House). Blink to the high catwalk that has a overhanging mattress. The second painting is found after you encounter Daud. Once you leave the area, look for the painting as you are going down the chain. The final painting is in Granny Rags room, right above her bed.




    afe  Location and Description



    The safe in the sewers past the  spot where Corvo gets his gear back.


    High Overseer Campbell

    The safe in Dr. Galvani's  residence (Dr. Galvani's map)


    High Overseer Campbell

    The locked kennel door in the  Overseer's base (Kennel map)


    High Overseer Campbell

    arracks safe in the Overseer's  base (Backyard map)







    House of Pleasure

    The safe in the artist's  residence (Artist's Residence map) uses a different combination each time you  play.


    The Royal Physician

    ractchett's safe in his house.  (Drawbridge Way map).


    The Royal Physician

    The safe behind the painting in  the wrecked building where the prisoner pen is outside the Sokolov estate  (North End map).


    Return to the Tower

    Lord Regent Hiram Burrows' safe  in his private quarters. (Dunwall Tower map).


    Flooded District

    The Old Port District's sewer  safe; it's the one with the bone charm (Old District Sewers map).





    Location Described

    Lens  Magnification

    High  Overseer Campbell

    House of Pleasure

    urchase  this blueprint from Griff, the merchant being held by two Bottle Street  gangsters down the stree past Granny Rags' place. P.S. Bring money (200 Coins).

    okolov's  Formula

    High  Overseer Campbell

    House of Pleasure

    urchase  this blueprint from Griff, the merchant being held by two Bottle Street  gangsters down the street past Granny Rags' place. P.S. Bring money (200  Coins). When kidnapping Anton Sokolov midway through the game, a copy of this  blueprint is available in his lab.

    onded  Galvani Weave

    High  Overseer Campbell

    Go to  the "Backyard" map where Corvo makes his escape. There is an  Overseer workshop with a locked cabinet (a valve-wheel sits on top of this  locked cabinet). The Workshop Cabinet Key is hidden in a glass bottle on a  shelf in the workshop's corner. If you locate the anti-magic music machine,  put the music machine behind you, the wall to your left, and the workbench  with the rune to your right/rear. The shelf with the bottle and workshop  cabinet key is in the corner directly ahead of you.

    Incandescent  Paste

    House  of Pleasure

    Locate  the Dunwall Whiskey Brewery (the Distillery) and locate a valve wheel that  operates a fast closing shutter. The blueprints are just past that shutter;  you can use the increased jump height of Agilty and Blink to bypass the  shutter, or simply sprint and slide under the shutter before it closes shut.  The blueprint is inside one of the lockers past the shutter.

    Folded  Galvani Resin

    The  Royal Physician

    On the  South Side map (where you start out), there is a warehouse with a minecart in  the second story. The workstation next to the minecart has this schematic in  plain sight.

    iked  Grenade Housing

    Lady  Boyle's Last Party

    The  main gatehouse of the Boyle Estate has this blueprint inside; you can use the  Boyel Party Invitation to gain access to the grounds (the guard you speak to  is in the room with the plans), or you can sneak through the Weeper tenement  and enter the grounds that way (you can still get to the gatehouse; it's past  where Lord Shaw duels Corvo).

    mall  Scale Combustion Refinement

    Return  to the Tower

    In  General Tobias' office. If you turned off HUD notifications, Tobias' office  is one of the rooms next to the Wall of Light near the Lord Regent's private  quarters (the one with the safe). The plans are on Tobias' desk.

    Duplicate  Plans

    Flooded  District

    ome  plans (not all plans) that you may have missed earlier may appear in Daud's  headquarters.


